Иванов, ЧП

- +380 (67) 484-34-40 — Дирекция
Сайт: 192621.ua.all.biz
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О компании
chp "Ivanov" zanimaetsya relatively limited production of this domestic chicken eggs! Real homemade egg opredelyaetsya nor its size, and konechnozhe it right, useful, environmentally friendly sodirzhaniem! The first and most likely the main indicator of define home eggs, it is a culture diet of laying hens! So here! Layers PE "Ivanov" pitayutsya only: 1) Cornmeal, 2) corn, 3) grind straw, 4) Pea-grain. Demonstrate how any feed additives elimentami chemical additives, as well as all similar, unacceptable shit katigoricheski unacceptable!!!!! Our hens are living in the open valerah! We can say almost open nebov, ie estevstvenno in their environment! Special canopies protect hens from the wind and rain! The territory of the Free Movement-prozhivatiya is about three hectares of fenced land of pure! Similar lifestyle hens. allows them to lead a stress free life, which in turn will not peredaetsya in the negative on the product production! Egg laying hens are right on the field! Fence eggs are in hand for 24 hours, as the saying goes vabushkin method! Caring, warm, gentle, kind hand-pickers packers eggs. necessarily be given to the consumer's table, the same. kind, positive, and most importantly useful atmosphere money to use the products!---------------------
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Кратко об организации
Организация Иванов, ЧП из Одессы может предложить покупателям товары и услуги в рубрике Сельскохозяйственное производство. Расположена по адресу Украина,Одесская область, Одесса,Одесса.Областная 1 в Одессе. Связаться с представителем фирмы Иванов, ЧП, чтобы получить ответ на Ваш вопрос, вы можете при помощи телефона +380 (67) 4843440, на официальном сайте 192621.ua.all.biz.